Access Audit Reports
What is an Existing Building Access Audit?
The intent of an Existing Premises Access Audit is to identify potential barriers to access and services, which may prevent a person with a disability (visitor, employee) from participating in equitable and dignified access. The audit would cover the path of travel from public transport and from the allotment boundary through to the building entrance and interior.
The intent of an Existing Premises Access Audit is to identify potential barriers to access and services, which may prevent a person with a disability (visitor, employee) from participating in equitable and dignified access. The audit would cover the path of travel from public transport and from the allotment boundary through to the building entrance and interior.
The 4 Steps to Providing an Access Audit Report
1. Client to request a fee proposal – By forwarding the Premises address and the scope of the access audit to be undertaken, e.g. all of the tenancy including carpark, if possible, forward information such as floor plans, photographs and building size etc.
2. Obvius Access send a fee proposal. Once a fee and time scale for completion of the access audit has been agreed, we can commence.
3. At a suitable time, we visit the premises and carry out an inspection by recording measurements and taking photos to assist with the finished report.
4. A completed PDF version of the access audit report is then sent to you.
1. Client to request a fee proposal – By forwarding the Premises address and the scope of the access audit to be undertaken, e.g. all of the tenancy including carpark, if possible, forward information such as floor plans, photographs and building size etc.
2. Obvius Access send a fee proposal. Once a fee and time scale for completion of the access audit has been agreed, we can commence.
3. At a suitable time, we visit the premises and carry out an inspection by recording measurements and taking photos to assist with the finished report.
4. A completed PDF version of the access audit report is then sent to you.
By having an existing premises access audit and then implementing its recommendations, it can be demonstrated that legal responsibilities under commonwealth discrimination law (DDA) have been met, which in turn may mitigate the risk of complaint or action brought against you by person with a disability or/and their associate. A far more important consequence of removing access barriers to your premises will be ease of access and inclusion for many people, young and older people, whom of which have the legal right to access the public services provided.
What Elements does the Access Audit Cover?
The scope of the access audit can be tailored to meet the individual requirements of the client. In general our access audit will cover all elements of the premises and environment; observing and highlighting any potential barriers that may exclude a person with a disability from equitable and dignified access. Typically an Access Audit would cover the following:
The scope of the access audit can be tailored to meet the individual requirements of the client. In general our access audit will cover all elements of the premises and environment; observing and highlighting any potential barriers that may exclude a person with a disability from equitable and dignified access. Typically an Access Audit would cover the following:
- External approach (from public transport, allotment boundary and car parking)
- entrances
- reception and customer service area
- corridors and horizontal circulation
- lifts, ramps and stairs
- sanitary facilities
- internal doors
- control and switches
- floor surfaces
- lighting
- Hearing Augmentation
- signage and wayfinding
- kitchen area
- Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSIs); and
- emergency means of escape.
There may be many more site specific elements e.g. swimming pools, children’s service areas and playgrounds, which can be added as part of our comprehensive access audit service.
How is the Access Audit presented?
The finished Obvius Access audit report with Appendix A’ and ‘B’ will provide comments and recommendations for improvements on access barriers which highlight any potential risks or barrier for a wide range of potential users, including people with disabilities, older people and people with young children
The finished Obvius Access audit report with Appendix A’ and ‘B’ will provide comments and recommendations for improvements on access barriers which highlight any potential risks or barrier for a wide range of potential users, including people with disabilities, older people and people with young children
The recommendations are prioritised 1 or 2 in order of importance for urgent work and cross referenced against a variety disability access codes, standards, guidelines legislation and best practice such as but not limited to:
The National Construction Code (NCC)
The Disability (Access to Premises-Buildings) Standards 2010
AS1428 Suite of Standards relating to accessibility in the built environment
Appendix ‘A’ and ‘B.
Appendix ‘A’ provides illustrations at the back of the report
Appendix ‘B’ is a separate photo supplement to also assist in highlighting some access issues identified and to support interpretation and implementation of recommendations for action.
Obvius Access Audits reports are presented by e-mail in PDF versions, which will help to incorporate your access audit into an Action Plan for the future.
Contact us at [email protected] or phone 1800 952 311, we can then assist you with your enquiry.
The National Construction Code (NCC)
The Disability (Access to Premises-Buildings) Standards 2010
AS1428 Suite of Standards relating to accessibility in the built environment
Appendix ‘A’ and ‘B.
Appendix ‘A’ provides illustrations at the back of the report
Appendix ‘B’ is a separate photo supplement to also assist in highlighting some access issues identified and to support interpretation and implementation of recommendations for action.
Obvius Access Audits reports are presented by e-mail in PDF versions, which will help to incorporate your access audit into an Action Plan for the future.
Contact us at [email protected] or phone 1800 952 311, we can then assist you with your enquiry.